Menphina's Lantern
Crystal | Zalera | Empyreum | W 16 | P 30

Menphina's Lantern is a Greek/Twelve themed bathhouse. We are a RP Immersive venue catering to the LGBTQIA+ community as a safe space to pursue romantic, consensual relationships.
Hours of Operation:
Saturdays: 11:00 pm - 2:00am EST
Mondays: 9:00 pm - 12:00am EST
Sync Shell & Discord:
PW: MayLoveLightYourWay<3
Discord: Menphina's Lantern
Venue Namesake:
Menphina, known as the Lover, was prescribed the task to perpetuate the turning of night and day, and foster love in the hearts of all. We at Menphina's Lantern hope to further Menphina's mission and foster companionship and love.Menphina's symbol is the full greater moon and before the fall of Dalamud, when there were two moons in the sky, people oft referred to the second moon as Menphina's loyal hound or her lantern. Now in the absence of the second moon, we strive to carry on as Menphina's lantern and light her way.
I. Be Respectful. Harassment, bullying, or toxic behavior is not tolerated (including racist/derogatory language). Stalking or harassment of staff or guests will result in a ban.II. 18+ Only! Minors are strictly prohibited. ERPing as a minor is also prohibited.III. Consent is mandatory. No means no.IV. Soft public ERP is allowed, keep hard ERP to private channels. Nudity is allowed*, however, please no sexual animations in the public baths. Keep those in private rooms.*Lalafells are allowed, however, due to potential misconception as minors, lalafells are not allowed to be nude or dressed in a manner that could be interpreted as partial nudity.V. Use proper RP etiquette. If you are new to RP, please check out our RP Basics.VI. Respect the immersion. No loud, bright, or otherwise disruptive mods, include emotes and gear. No minions out as well.
Jhakk Frost
Ewan Hajime
Maikey Sanger
Korhana Balamuht
Toasty Shak
Indy Umbra
Izugiri Linwyn
Lykken Albarn
Canary Sunflower
Room 18: Steam Room
Rentable Rooms:
In addition to the bathhouse, we are working towards offering rooms to rent for the night. Currently we have three rooms available. If you are interested in renting, please inquire with a staff member. Rooms are available for 50k/night.
Room 9: Althyk's Memory
Room 14: Nophica's Nest
Room 17: Llymlaen's Respite
New to RP?
This page provides the basics if you are brand new to RP in FFXIV.OC: The first term to be aware of is OC or Original Character. Most individuals that RP have made a 'Original Character' with their own backstory that doesn't follow the Warrior of Lights/the main MSQ. Think of everyone you meet as a stranger in the world of FFXIV.Communicating: Most RP communicating is done over the /say channel. /yell and /shout are usually reserved for venue hosts or special RP situations. When communicating it is common for individuals to add body language descriptions of what they are doing while they are speaking to increase the immersion. Often you will see this by the /em command in FFXIV. As an example, if I typed (/em gives himself a pep talk "You can do this!"). The chat would read 'Canary Sunflower gives himself a pep talk "You can do this!". The quotations indicate what I am saying 'out loud'.OOC: OOC stands for Out-Of-Character and if you would like to communicate out-of-character to someone while RP'ing quotations are often used. If you were using the /say chat, you could type: (ooc: brb). You will see people type 'ooc' or not type 'ooc' and sometimes only use the quotations (). This is a helpful way to know if something is in-character (IC) or out of character (OOC).WU/T or WU or WU/T Friendly: In search info or Adventure Plates you will often see these acronyms. These stand for: Walk-Up (WU) and Tell (T). This means they are open to any individual coming up to them and starting a in-character RP interaction ("sorry for bumping into you", "you dropped something", etc.). The Tell means this is done over Tell instead of /say or other form of public chat. If you are in a RP venue for an event, you can assume everyone there is open to RP'ing in the public /say chat.